23. Why Are My Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy Worse at Night When I’m Trying to Sleep?
Many physicians believe it is more about the brain’s perception of the symptoms rather than an actual increase in intensity. In general, during the day the brain is busy with managing all of the input it gets from the body. It is occupied with thinking and making decisions, directing the movement of the body, interpreting input […]
16. Can the Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy in my Feet and Legs Be Reversed?
It depends on the cause of the peripheral neuropathy. If you are suffering from peripheral neuropathy you should see a qualified physician to have a complete medical history taken and an extensive medical exam performed. If an underlying disease is discovered to be the cause of the neuropathy then the successful treatment of that disease […]
3. What Problems are Associated with Peripheral Neuropathy?
Most people with peripheral neuropathy complain about the unrelenting sensations of numbness, pain, and burning that they feel. The intensity of these feelings can vary greatly–from mildly annoying to agonizing and disabling. Peripheral neuropathy decreases the ability of the feet and legs to be protected from injury. People with peripheral neuropathy are less able to react […]